Gambling Addiction Treatment

Compassionate Treatment for Pathological Gambling

Gambling addiction, or to use the technical term, “ludomania,” has long been misunderstood or misdiagnosed. Only in the past few years has this problem been identified and categorized as a true addictive disorder. Many who suffer from a gambling addiction may not even be aware of exactly how severe their condition is and rarely seek out gambling addiction treatment to get better. They may also start drinking or abusing drugs on a regular basis and can quickly fall victim to a full-blown substance abuse problem. Without proper drug abuse and mental health treatment, these people will likely never be able to stop.

Signs and Symptoms of Gambling Addiction

  • Committing crimes to get money to gamble
  • Feeling restless or irritable when trying to cut back or quit gambling
  • Gambling to escape problems or feelings of sadness or anxiety
  • Gambling larger amounts of money to try to regain past losses
  • Losing a job, relationship, education, or career opportunity due to gambling
  • Lying about the amount of time or money spent gambling
  • Making many unsuccessful attempts to cut back or quit gambling
  • Needing to borrow money due to gambling losses
  • Needing to gamble larger amounts of money in order to feel excitement
  • Spending a lot of time thinking about gambling, such as remembering past experiences or ways to get more money with which to gamble

Gambling Addiction Treatment for Long-Term Success

Pathological gambling is not a disorder that develops overnight. Like most addiction disorders, it can develop out of many underlying psychological conditions or stimuli. A drug or alcohol addiction is likely to follow suit if the person doesn’t get help. A traditional gambling addiction treatment program may address the gambling problem, but it will not be able to address the substance abuse disorder or the mental issues that are the root of the problem. Only with a comprehensive approach can the gambler expect long-term success in all aspects.

At Behavioral Health of the Palm Beaches, we have worked with gamblers who also suffer from a substance abuse disorder. While we do not have a separate gambling addiction treatment program, we do have specialists that can assist in treating substance abuse in these individuals. Along with a medically-monitored drug or alcohol detox, our addiction treatment programs in Palm Beach offer a path to recovery through cutting-edge therapies, both group and one-on-one discussions, and an expert staff whose priority is giving our patients the tools they need to rebuild their lives.

We are dedicated to our holistic approach to addiction treatment to heal the patient’s mind, body, and spirit, where we address any underlying factors that contribute to an addiction. This is especially important in treating pathological gambling because incomplete treatment will leave the patient vulnerable to relapse. What’s more, the?rate of attempted suicides among people with long-term gambling addictions is an alarming 20%.1

Do not roll the dice on your addiction and leave your recovery up to chance. If your gambling habits have led you to abuse drugs or alcohol, you need professional help before matters get worse. Let our South Florida detox center step in. With behavioral health as our priority, we will work with you to create a brighter future free of your vices.

  1. US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health- Gambling

If you are suffering from problematic or pathological gambling habits and are looking for the best gambling addiction treatment available, please call us today toll-free at (844) 381-8670.