Going to college is a stressful time for many students. Things like moving away from home, drifting away from friends, and academic responsibilities can pile up. Personal relationships and financial obligations may also cause additional worries. Between maintaining a high-grade point average and keeping their social life intact, college students often feel as if they’re being pulled in a million directions. It’s no wonder that many college students end up developing an anxiety disorder.
Most Common Anxiety Disorders in College Students
Because anxiety and college is such a common duo, there is a pattern of specific anxiety disorders that are prevalent amongst students.
Common anxiety disorders in college students include:
- Separation anxiety: this often occurs in students who move away from home for school
- Social anxiety: one of the most common forms of anxiety in college students, social anxiety refers to the intense fear of being judged or rejected in a social situation. Because college often requires a fair amount of socializing, this can be an especially difficult form of anxiety to manage.
- Panic disorder: this form of anxiety is characterized by unexpected and frequent episodes of intense fear that include physical symptoms like difficulty breathing, chest pains, and digestive troubles.
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): Unfortunately, many college students have endured a traumatic experience in the past that may have manifested itself into PTSD. A person with PTSD may experience a panic attack when they come across something that triggers a flashback or reminds them of the event.
Without mental health treatment, symptoms of anxiety may worsen. At Behavioral Health of the Palm Beaches, we offer anxiety management treatment that teaches patients how to properly cope with their symptoms during stressful situations.
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What Causes Anxiety in College Students?
Dealing with anxiety in college is common for many students. Unfortunately, the transition to a university-level can bring along some additional stressors. Some causes of anxiety in college students include:
- Moving away from friends or family
- Losing friendships
- Financial struggles
- Having to work while studying
- Pressure to perform well
- Entering or getting out of a serious relationship
Finding ways to cope with anxiety in college is important if you’re a student who’s struggling with this disorder. While experiencing anxiety in university seems typical, it’s not healthy. The prevalence of this disorder is a cause for concern.
How to Cope with Anxiety in College
Because the college experience is challenging enough, our drug and alcohol treatment center in Palm Beach wanted to offer some ways to cope with anxiety in college.
Don’t Avoid Your Stressors
When something causes us stress or anxiety, our natural inclination is to avoid it at all costs; however, this will only hurt you in the long run. Instead of avoiding your stressors altogether, take small steps towards finding healthy ways to cope with them. For example, if you feel socially anxious in a specific class, rather than skipping it, sit somewhere you feel comfortable.
Practice Self-Care
While treating yourself to some sugary coffee and pastries is nice, legitimate self-care refers to setting time aside to focus on your mental health. Self-care is one of the best natural remedies for anxiety relief. Between school, work, friends, and sleep, it can be difficult to find time for yourself. Work on dedicating at least 30 minutes of your day relaxing and doing something that can help you disconnect for a little bit.
Find Resources at School
In order to help students with their mental health, many colleges and universities have incorporated mental health programs. Sift through your school’s resources to find out if there’s available counseling or addiction treatment on your campus.
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Anxiety can escalate and cause a variety of health problems in the future if it goes untreated. At our addiction and mental health treatment center in Florida, we offer residential mental health treatment for adults ages 18 and older that can help you or someone you know learn how to cope with their symptoms.
If you or a loved one needs addiction or mental health assistance, call us today at 561-220-3981 for more information.
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