Addiction Blog

Eliminating ‘Stigma’ From the Inside Out

Eliminating Addiction Stigma

We seem to be constantly trying to change the public's perception of substance use disorders and of people with substance use disorders. At best progress is slow. The terms "stigma" and "shame" have a lot in common. "Stigma" may be what is inflicted upon us by others. "Shame" is what we carry. We've been trying to change the world. That's hard to do. It's easier to "have the courage to change the things we can." Is it possible...

SMART/12-Step: It’s not a contest.

A few months ago we began to offer a weekly meeting of SMART (Self-Management and Recovery Training) at Seaside Palm Beach as another tool in the arsenal that a person in recovery can use to maintain abstinence from addictive behaviors.  Twelve-step recovery meetings continue as they always have. The weekly Smart meeting has become popular. I can say that a number of people have integrated SMART into their long-range plan for continued abstinence. I was a little bit surprised at...

The Myth of Drugs and Creativity: Mental Illness’ Role in the Using Artist

The writer sits at his table, a drink in hand and ready for the downing. The painter stands at her canvas, having recently smoked a blunt, and contemplates the pigments on the surface of her latest work. The musician runs on stage, revved up on coke and ready to wow the crowd. Whether touted as an emblem of counter-cultural freedom from the restrictive thinking of mainstream society or reputed to stimulate the imagination, drugs, and creativity have been linked with...

How Worried About Fentanyl Should You Be?

If you had never heard about fentanyl before the results of Prince's autopsy were revealed, you are not alone. The drug has been around for more than 30 years but has managed to fly below the radar of most everyday Americans. Unless you are suffering from excruciating pain after surgery or from advanced cancer, fentanyl has probably been completely invisible to you. With the news now popping up about the number of fentanyl-related overdose deaths, how worried should you be?

Is Court-Ordered Drug Rehabilitation Effective?

Drug and alcohol addiction treatment in the United States has evolved considerably in the last 50 years. Our nation has slowly moved away from the philosophy of incarcerating people with addictions to providing treatment. While it has been shown that treatment is much more successful in helping people with substance use disorders (SUDs) than punishment, the question of whether or not court-ordered drug rehabilitation is effective remains unanswered.

Our admissions coordinators...

Are Social Media and Depression Linked? Why?

Updated July 2021
The rise of social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok has changed the world we live in forever. People are now more connected than ever before. Social media users can connect with people around the world through photos, videos, chat rooms, and even personalize their online presence. While these online tools have led to a lot of very good things, it’s undeniable that there have been some negatives associated with them, as well. A...

The Correlation Between Baby Boomers and Drugs

Overlooking a Growing Dilemma

Substance abuse, particularly of alcohol and prescription drugs, among baby boomers, is one of the fastest-growing health issues facing our country. Yet, even as the number of older adults suffering from these disorders increases, the situation remains relatively hidden from the public’s eye. While substance abuse among the young is surveyed, categorized, and analyzed, the addiction problems of the parents and grandparents of these youths are virtually ignored. One thing is for certain. There is a...

Are Americans Drinking More Alcohol?

While much of the national discussion about substance abuse and addiction has been focused on the rising death tolls surrounding prescription opioids and heroin use, alcohol-induced deaths remain perched near the top. New data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that the alcohol-induced death rate has increased by nearly 23 percent since 1999. It also revealed that more than 140,000 people die from excessive alcohol use in the U.S. each year. When accounting for deaths from...